
  • Clutch and Brake units

Manufacturing businesses, driven primarily by the automotive industry, has experienced growth in 2013 due in part to soaring stock prices and a weaker yen, both of which had a positive influence on related industries.

On the other hand, there were various natural disasters in 2013, perhaps due to global warming. For example, Japan experienced powerful heat waves in addition to floods and landslides which resulted from powerful typhoons.In Southeast Asia, a super massive typhoon struck the Philippines and caused enormous damage. More than ever, manufacturing businesses such as Ogura Clutch Co., Ltd. have to realize the social responsibilities and operate in ways that are friendly to the environment.

Ogura Clutch Co., Ltd. will continue to ride the wave of Japan’s economic recovery and will go back to the principles of manufacturing and letting its products speak for themselves. By thoroughly controlling QCD (Quality, Cost and Delivery), the company will seek to earn even higher trust from its customers. Ogura Clutch Co., Ltd. and all of its employees are proud of the Ogura brand, which is sometimes referred to “Made in Ogura” meaning high quality (like Made in Japan).

Some of Ogura’s oversea plants such as Ogura Thailand and Ogura Changxing (China) have started producing both industrial clutches and brakes as well as automotive air-conditioning clutches. This is the first time that two different types of products will be made by the same Ogura manufacturing facility.To support this and to become a more flexible company, Ogura will put an emphasis on cross training its engineers.

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